Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hello friends, here i am going to describe some vedic maths tricks to solve your aptitude sums easily. I am going to divide it in some parts. So here's first one.

How do we multiply by eleven easily?

First we will try this by writing the answer backwards.

So, when always multiplying a large number by 11, the last number will always be the last number of the sum we are multiplying.

Let me explain.

176 is the number we are multiplying.

So the last number in out answer will be 6. If the sum was 143 the last number in our answer would be 3... get it?

So now what?

Easy, just add the next number to the last number, 7 + 6 = 13

So the next last number will be 3, carry the 1.

Add the 7 and 1 together, giving 8, then add the carried 1, 9 then write that number as our next part of the answer, 936

Then, the last number will be the first number in our sum, in this case 1.

So the answer is 1936.

Try 278

Last number is 8

7 + 8 = 15

Second last number is 5, carry the 1

7 + 2 = 9 add the carried 1, 10

Third last number is 0, carry the 1

Add the carried 1 to the first number in the sum, 2 giving:

2 + 1 = 3

So the answer is 3058!

Alternatively, you could always just add a zero to the number you are multiplying and then add the original number to it again...

156 X 11

try it this way:

Add a zero to the end


Add 156 to this

1560 + 156 = 1716

Whatever method works best, stick to it!

Temperature Conversion

This is a shortcut to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.

The answer you will get will not be an exact one, but it will give you an idea of the temperature you are looking at.

Fahrenheit to Celsius:

Take 30 away from the Fahrenheit, then divide the answer by two. This is your answer in Celsius.


74 Fahrenheit - 30 = 44. Then divide by two, 22 Celsius.

so 74 Fahrenheit = 22 Celsius.

Celsius to Fahrenheit just do the reverse:

Double it, then add 30.

30 Celsius double it, is 60, then add 30 is 90

30 Celsius = 90 Fahrenheit
click here to visit part 2

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